import networkx as nx #TODO: import only needed functions?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from .._constants import __DEBUG__
from ..graph import *
from ..quantum_walk import QuantumWalk
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from scipy.sparse import csr_array
if __DEBUG__:
from time import time
# histogram is alias for bar width=1
def plot_probability_distribution(
probabilities, plot=None, animate=False, show=True,
filename=None, interval=250, figsize=(12, 10), dpi=100, **kwargs):
Plot the probability distributions of quantum walk states.
This function allows plotting the probability distributions
for multiple steps of a quantum walk evolution.
The generated figures can be displayed step-by-step,
saved as individual files, or used to create and save animations.
probabilities : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
An array representing the probabilities of the walker being
found at each vertex during the quantum walk evolution.
Each column corresponds to a vertex,
while each row represents a step in the walk.
plot : str, default=None
The plot type.
The valid options are
``{'bar', 'line', 'graph', 'histogram', 'plane'}``.
If ``None``, uses default plotting. Usually ``bar``,
but default plotting changes according to ``graph``.
show : bool, default=True
Whether or not to show plots or animation.
With ``show=True`` we have:
**Using Terminal**:
After shown, press *q* to quit.
If ``animate==False``,
the quantum walk will be shown step-by-step;
If ``animate==True``,
the entire animation is shown in a new window.
**Using Jupyter Notebook**:
If ``animate==False``,
all the quantum walk steps are shown at once.
If ``animate==True``,
the entire animation is shown as a html video.
filename : str, default=None
The filename path (with no format) where
the plot(s) will be saved.
If ``None`` no file is saved.
Otherwise, if ``animate==False``,
the j-step is saved in the ``filename-j.png`` file;
if ``animate==True``,
the entire walk is saved in the ``filename.fig`` file.
graph : optional
The structure of the graph on which the walk takes place.
The graph labels are used as plotting labels.
**Important**: check Graph Plots subsection in other parameters.
The following types are acceptable.
* :class:`hiperwalk.Graph`
Hiperwalk Graph.
It is used to generate default plotting for specific graphs.
User-specified values are not overridden.
* :class:`networkx.classes.graph`,
NetworkX Graph
* :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`
Adjacency matrix.
rescale : bool, optional
If ``False`` or omitted, the reference maximum probability
is the global one.
If ``True``, the reference maximum probability depends on
the current step, changing every image or frame.
For example, if the global maximum probability is 1,
``min_node_size, max_node_size = (300, 3000)``,
and the maximum probability of a given step is 0.5;
then for ``rescale=False``,
the step maximum node size shown is 1650
(halfway betweeen 300 and 3000),
while for ``rescale=True``,
the step maximum node size shown is 3000.
animate : bool, default=False
Whether or not to animate multiple plots.
If ``False``, each quantum walk step generates an image.
If ``True``, each quantum walk step is used as an animation frame.
interval : int, default=250
Time in milliseconds that each frame is shown if ``animate==True``.
figsize : tuple, default=(12, 10)
Figure size in inches. Must be a tuple in the format (WIDTH, HEIGHT).
dpi : float, default=100
Figure resolution in dots-per-inch.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Extra arguments to further customize plotting.
Valid arguments depend on ``plot``.
Check Other Parameters Section for details.
Other Parameters
Bar Plots
See :obj:`` for more optional keywords.
Graph Plots
See :obj:`networkx.draw <networkx.drawing.nx_pylab.draw>`
for more optional keywords.
graph :
Graph structure.
min_node_size, max_node_size : scalar, default=(300, 3000)
By default, nodes sizes depend on the probability.
``min_node_size`` and ``max_node_size`` describe the
inferior and superior limits for the node sizes, respectively.
node_size : scalar or list of scalars, optional
If ``node_size`` is a scalar,
all nodes will have the same size.
If ``node_size`` is a list of scalars,
vertices may have different sizes and
the length of ``node_size`` must match ``probabilities``.
The ``node_size`` argument is ignored if both
``min_node_size`` and ``max_node_size`` are set.
cmap : str, optional
A colormap for representing vertices probabilities.
if ``cmap='default'``, uses the ``'viridis'`` colormap.
For more colormap options, check
`Matplolib's Colormap reference
Histogram Plots
See :obj:`` for more optional keywords.
The ``width`` keyword is always overriden.
Line Plots
See :obj:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for more optional keywords.
Plane Plots
dimensions: 2-tuple of int
plane dimensions in ``(x_dim, y_dim)`` format.
If ``plot`` has an invalid value.
If ``plot == 'graph' `` and keyword ``graph`` is not set.
For showing animations,
the current version only supports Jupyter and GTK 3.0.
It must be updated to support GTK 4.0 for Ubuntu 22.04.
The core logic of the main implementation loop is more or less like follows.
>>> preconfigure() # doctest: +SKIP
>>> for prob in probabilities: # doctest: +SKIP
>>> configure() # doctest: +SKIP
>>> plot(prob) # doctest: +SKIP
``preconfigure()`` executes configurations that do
not change between plots, e.g. nodes positions in graph plots.
``configure()`` executes configurates that must be
(re)done for each iteration, e.g. setting figure size.
``plot()`` calls the appropriated plotting method with
customization parameters,
i.e. bar, line or graph plot with the respective valid kwargs.
.. todo::
- Accept the ``probabilities`` parameter as a list.
- Use Graphviz instead of NetworkX to draw graphs.
As noted by networkx's documentation:
Proper graph visualization is hard, and we highly recommend
that people visualize their graphs with tools dedicated to
that task.
- Implement ``repeat_delay`` parameter:
An extra time to wait before the animation is repeated.
Pull requests to the
`Matplotlib animation writers
are needed.
- Implement ``transparency`` parameter:
change nodes transparency depending on probability.
- Implement GTK 4.0 support.
.. todo::
probabilities expects numpy array or matrix
# Figure size
if len(figsize) == 2:
fig_width, fig_height = figsize
raise ValueError(
'figsize must be a tuple in the format (WIDTH, HEIGHT)'
# passes kwargs by reference to be updated accordingly
if 'graph' in kwargs:
plot = _default_graph_kwargs(kwargs, plot)
if plot is None:
plot = 'bar'
plot = plot.lower()
valid_plots = ['bar', 'line', 'graph', 'histogram', 'plane']
if plot not in valid_plots:
raise ValueError(
'Unexpected value for plot:' + str(plot) +
'. One of the following was expected: ' + str(valid_plots)
# dictionaries for function pointers
# preconfiguration: executed once before the loop starts
preconfigs = {valid_plots[0]: _preconfigure_plot,
valid_plots[1]: _preconfigure_plot,
valid_plots[2]: _preconfigure_graph_plot,
valid_plots[3]: _preconfigure_plot,
valid_plots[4]: _preconfigure_plot}
# configuration: executed every iteration before plotting
# expects return of fig, ax to be used for animations
configs = {valid_plots[0]: _configure_plot_figure,
valid_plots[1]: _configure_plot_figure,
valid_plots[2]: _configure_graph_figure,
valid_plots[3]: _configure_plot_figure,
valid_plots[4]: _configure_plane_figure}
# plot functions: code for plotting the graph accordingly
plot_funcs = {
valid_plots[0]: _plot_probability_distribution_on_bars,
valid_plots[1]: _plot_probability_distribution_on_line,
valid_plots[2]: _plot_probability_distribution_on_graph,
valid_plots[3]: _plot_probability_distribution_on_histogram,
valid_plots[4]: _plot_probability_distribution_on_plane
update_animation = {
valid_plots[0]: _update_animation_bars,
valid_plots[1]: _update_animation_line,
valid_plots[2]: _update_animation_graph,
valid_plots[3]: _update_animation_bars,
valid_plots[4]: None
# preparing probabilities to shape requested by called functions
if len(probabilities.shape) == 1:
probabilities = np.array([probabilities])
# passes kwargs by reference to be updated accordingly
preconfigs[plot](probabilities, kwargs)
if not animate:
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
# TODO: set figure size according to graph dimensions
# TODO: check for kwargs
fig, ax = configs[plot](fig_width=fig_width,
plot_funcs[plot](probabilities[i], ax, **kwargs)
# saves or shows image (or both)
if filename is not None:
filename_suffix = str(i).zfill(
len(str(len(probabilities) - 1)))
plt.savefig(filename if len(probabilities) == 1
else filename + '-' + filename_suffix)
if not show:
if show:
fig, ax = configs[plot](fig_width=fig_width,
if plot == 'plane':
from functools import partial
surf, cbar = plot_funcs[plot](probabilities[0], ax,
anim = FuncAnimation(
elif plot == 'graph':
from functools import partial
ax, cbar = plot_funcs[plot](probabilities[0], ax,
anim = FuncAnimation(
partial(plot_funcs[plot], ax=ax, cbar=cbar, **kwargs),
artists = plot_funcs[plot](probabilities[0], ax, **kwargs)
anim = FuncAnimation(
ax if 'min_prob' not in kwargs else None))
if filename is not None:
if show:
if _is_in_notebook():
from IPython import display
# embedding animation in jupyter notebook
video = anim.to_jshtml()
html = display.HTML(video)
def _default_graph_kwargs(kwargs, plot):
if ((plot is None or plot == 'graph' or plot == 'plane')
and not 'cmap' in kwargs
kwargs['cmap'] = 'default'
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
if kwargs['cmap'] == 'default':
kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
graph = kwargs['graph']
# Hiperwalk Grid
if hasattr(graph, '_euc_dim') and graph._euc_dim == 2:
if plot is None:
plot = 'plane'
if plot == 'plane' and 'dimensions' not in kwargs:
kwargs['dimensions'] = graph.dimensions()
return plot
# Hiperwalk Hypercube
is_hypercube = False
is_hypercube = == graph.dimension()
except AttributeError:
if is_hypercube and plot is None:
plot = 'graph'
nx_graph = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(graph.adjacency_matrix())
for v in nx_graph:
nx_graph.nodes[v]["subset"] = v.bit_count()
except AttributeError:
nx_graph.nodes[v]["subset"] = bin(v).count('1')
kwargs['pos'] = nx.multipartite_layout(nx_graph)
dim = graph.dimension()
kwargs['graph'] = nx_graph
kwargs['edge_color'] = (0, 0, 0, max(0.002, 2**(-dim/2)))
kwargs['labels'] = {0: 0, 2**dim - 1 : 2**dim - 1}
kwargs['min_node_size'] = 1
kwargs['max_node_size'] = 1000
kwargs['edgecolors'] = None
return 'graph' if plot is None else plot
def _preconfigure_plot(probabilities, kwargs):
Configure static parameters for matplotlib plot.
Set parameters that need not to be changed for multiple plots
or animation of a quantum walk.
For example: minimum and maximum allowed node size.
probabilities : list of floats
Probabilities of the walker being found on each vertex.
kwargs : dict
Reference of kwargs containing all extra keywords.
if ('rescale' not in kwargs or not kwargs.pop('rescale')):
kwargs['min_prob'] = 0
kwargs['max_prob'] = probabilities.max()
#kwargs passed by reference
def _preconfigure_graph_plot(probabilities, kwargs):
Configure static parameters for graph plot.
Set parameters that need not to be changed for multiple plots
or animation of a quantum walk.
For example: the graph.
The graph must be sent via kwargs via the 'graph' keyword.
probabilities : list of floats
Probabilities of the walker being found on each vertex.
kwargs : dict
Reference of kwargs containing all extra keywords.
See Also
if ('rescale' not in kwargs or not kwargs['rescale']):
kwargs['min_prob'] = 0 #min_prob
kwargs['max_prob'] = probabilities.max() #max_prob
kwargs['rescale'] = False
if 'graph' not in kwargs:
raise KeyError("'graph' kwarg not provided.")
graph = kwargs['graph']
if isinstance(graph, csr_array):
kwargs['graph'] = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(graph)
elif isinstance(graph, Graph):
adj_matrix = graph.adjacency_matrix()
kwargs['graph'] = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(adj_matrix)
if 'min_node_size' not in kwargs:
kwargs['min_node_size'] = None
if 'max_node_size' not in kwargs:
kwargs['max_node_size'] = None
# setting static kwargs for plotting
# kwargs dictionary is updated by reference
# TODO: change ConfigureNodes parameters
# (remove G and use information from kwargs)
_configure_nodes(kwargs['graph'], probabilities, kwargs)
def _configure_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi):
Set basic figure configuration.
Creates a figure with size depending on the parameters.
num_vert: int
number of vertices in the graph
.. todo:: set the figure size according to num_vert
fig_width, fig_height : float, optional
Custom figure width and height, respectively.
If not set, the default value is used.
fig : current figure
ax : current figure axes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), dpi=dpi)
ax = plt.gca()
return fig, ax
def _configure_plot_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi):
Set basic figure configuration for matplotlib plots.
fig, ax = _configure_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi)
plt.xlabel("Vertex", size=18)
plt.ylabel("Probability", size=18)
plt.tick_params(length=7, labelsize=14)
return fig, ax
def _configure_graph_figure(fig_width,
return _configure_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi)
def _configure_plane_figure(fig_width,
#fig, ax =_configure_figure(num_vert, fig_width, fig_height)
#ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height),
subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"},
ax.tick_params(length=10, width=1, labelsize=16, pad=10)
ax.set_xlabel('Vertex X', labelpad=15, fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel('Vertex Y', labelpad=15, fontsize=18)
ax.set_zlabel('Probability', labelpad=30, fontsize=18)
return fig, ax
def _plot_probability_distribution_on_bars(
probabilities, ax, labels=None, graph=None,
min_prob=None, max_prob=None, **kwargs
Plot probability distribution using matplotlib bar plot.
probabilities : list of floats
Probabilities of the walker being found on each vertex.
matplotlib ax on which the figure is drawn.
{labels, graph, min_prob, max_prob} : optional
Final configuration parameters.
Refer to _posconfigure_plot_figure.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Extra parameters for plotting. Refer to
See Also
_posconfigure_plot_figure : Sets final configuraation for exhibition.
bars =, probabilities, **kwargs)
_posconfigure_plot_figure(ax, len(probabilities), labels, graph,
min_prob, max_prob)
return [bars]
def _update_animation_bars(frame, bars, ax):
bars = bars[0]
for i, bar in enumerate(bars):
if ax is not None:
_rescale_axis(ax, 0, frame.max())
return [bars]
def _plot_probability_distribution_on_histogram(
probabilities, ax, labels=None, graph=None,
min_prob=None, max_prob=None, **kwargs
Plot probability distribution as histogram.
Alias for no space between bars in bar plot.
Refer to _plot_probability_distribution_on_bars
See Also
kwargs['width'] = 1
return _plot_probability_distribution_on_bars(
probabilities, ax, labels, graph, min_prob, max_prob, **kwargs
def _plot_probability_distribution_on_line(
probabilities, ax, labels=None, graph=None,
min_prob=None, max_prob=None, **kwargs
Plots probability distribution using matplotlib's line plot.
probabilities : list of floats
Probabilities of the walker being found on each vertex.
matplotlib ax on which the figure is drawn.
{labels, graph, min_prob, max_prob} : optional
Final configuration parameters.
Refer to _posconfigure_plot_figure.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Extra parameters for plotting. Refer to matplotlib.pyplot.plot
See Also
_posconfigure_plot_figure : Sets final configuraation for exhibition.
if 'marker' not in kwargs:
kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
line = plt.plot(np.arange(len(probabilities)),
probabilities, **kwargs)
ax, len(probabilities), labels, graph, min_prob, max_prob
return line
def _update_animation_line(frame, line, ax):
line = line[0]
if ax is not None:
_rescale_axis(ax, 0, frame.max())
return [line]
def _posconfigure_plot_figure(ax, num_vert, labels=None, graph=None,
min_prob=None, max_prob=None):
Add final touches to the plotted figure.
The labels are added to the figure and
the figure's y-axis range is configured.
matplotlib ax on which the figure is drawn
num_vert : int
number of vertices in the graph
labels : dict, optional
Labels to be shown on graph.
If `graph` is `None`, `labels.keys()` must be integers
from 0 to `num_vert` - 1.
graph : networkx graph, optional
Graph on which the quantum walk occured.
if not None, the graph nodes are used to match `labels` keys.
min_prob, max_prob : int, optional
If both are set, describe the y-axis limit.
if labels is not None:
if graph is None:
ax.set_xticks( list(labels.keys()), list(labels.values()) )
nodes = list(graph.nodes())
nodes = {i : labels[ nodes[i] ] for i in range(num_vert)
if nodes[i] in labels}
ax.set_xticks( list(nodes.keys()), list(nodes.values()) )
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
if graph is not None:
ax.set_xlim((0, num_vert - 1))
loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
ind = loc().astype('int')
ind = [i for i in ind if i >=0 and i < num_vert]
nodes = list(range(0, graph.number_of_vertices()))
ax.set_xticks(ind, [nodes[i] for i in ind])
ax.set_xlim((0, num_vert - 1))
loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
ind = loc().astype('int')
ind = [i for i in ind if i >=0 and i < num_vert]
if min_prob is not None and max_prob is not None:
# plt.ylim((min_prob, max_prob*1.02))
_rescale_axis(ax, min_prob, max_prob)
def _rescale_axis(ax, min_prob, max_prob):
ax.set_ylim((min_prob, max_prob*1.02))
def _plot_probability_distribution_on_graph(probabilities, ax, **kwargs):
Draw graph and illustrates the probabilities depending on the
volatile parameters.
See Also
_update_nodes : sets volatile parameters
:obj:`networkx.draw <networkx.drawing.nx_pylab.draw>`
cbar = kwargs.pop('cbar') if 'cbar' in kwargs else None
# UpdateNodes may create kwargs['node_size']
# min_node_size and max_node_size are not valid keys
# for nx.draw kwargs
_update_nodes(probabilities, kwargs.pop('min_node_size'),
kwargs.pop('max_node_size'), kwargs)
vmin = kwargs.pop('min_prob')
vmax = kwargs.pop('max_prob')
nx.draw(kwargs.pop('graph'), ax=ax,
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs)
# Note: nx.draw_networkx_labels dramatically increases plotting time.
# It is called by nx.draw
kwargs['min_prob'] = vmin
kwargs['max_prob'] = vmax
# setting and drawing colorbar
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
cbar = _configure_colorbar(ax, cbar, kwargs)
if __DEBUG__:
global start
end = time()
start = end
return [ax, cbar]
def _configure_nodes(G, probabilities, kwargs):
Configure static attributes of nodes.
Configures nodes attributes that will not change
during multiple plots or an animation of a quantum walk.
kwargs: dict
Reference to the dictionary **kwargs.
Some entries may be added or altered.
See Also
# setting colormap related attributes
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
if kwargs['cmap'] == 'default':
kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
# setting node attributes
if 'edgecolors' not in kwargs:
kwargs['edgecolors'] = 'black'
if 'linewidths' not in kwargs:
kwargs['linewidths'] = 1
if 'with_labels' not in kwargs:
kwargs['with_labels'] = True
if kwargs['with_labels'] and 'font_color' not in kwargs:
kwargs['font_color'] = 'black'
# calculates vertices positions.
# needed to do beforehand in order to fix position for multiple steps
# the user may choose any networkx graph_layout function
# as long as only the graph is
# the required parameter. Check
# For further customisation,
# the user may call any networkx graph layout function
# BEFORE calling plot_probability_distribution and
# using its return as the 'pos' kwarg.
if 'pos' not in kwargs:
if 'graph_layout' in kwargs:
func = kwargs.pop('graph_layout')
kwargs['pos'] = func(G)
kwargs['pos'] = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
def _update_nodes(probabilities, min_node_size, max_node_size, kwargs):
Configure probability-related attributes of nodes.
Configures attributes that may change depending on the probability
at each (saved) step of the quantum walk.
See Also
The separation between UpdateNodes and ConfigureNodes optimizes
plotting multiple images.
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
kwargs['node_color'] = probabilities
if 'node_size' not in kwargs:
if min_node_size is None:
min_node_size = 300
if max_node_size is None:
max_node_size = 3000
if min_node_size is not None and max_node_size is not None:
if ('rescale' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('rescale')):
kwargs['min_prob'] = 0
kwargs['max_prob'] = probabilities.max()
# calculating size of each node acording to probability
# as a function f(x) = ax + b where b = min_size and
# max_size = a*(max_prob-min_prob) + min_size
a = ((max_node_size - min_node_size)
/ (kwargs['max_prob'] - kwargs['min_prob']))
kwargs['node_size'] = list(map(
lambda x: a*x + min_node_size, probabilities
def _configure_colorbar(ax, cbar, kwargs):
Add a colorbar in the figure besides the given ax
ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Ax on which the plot was drawn.
kwargs : dict
Dictionary containing the keys 'cmap', 'min_prob' and 'max_prob'.
'min_prob' and 'max_prob' describe
the inferior and superior limit for colorbar values, respectively.
'cmap' describes a valid matplotlib colormap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
sm =
if cbar is None:
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='2.5%', pad=0.01)
cbar = plt.colorbar(
), length=7)
return cbar
def _update_animation_graph(frame, ax, cax):
ax = ax[0]
return _plot_probability_distribution_on_graph(frame, ax)
def _default_plane_kwargs(kwargs):
if not 'cmap' in kwargs:
kwargs['cmap'] = 'default'
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
if kwargs['cmap'] == 'default':
kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
if 'linewidth' not in kwargs:
kwargs['linewidth'] = 0
if 'antialiased' not in kwargs:
kwargs['antialiased'] = False
if 'cstride' not in kwargs:
kwargs['cstride'] = 1
if 'rstride' not in kwargs:
kwargs['rstride'] = 1
if 'alpha' not in kwargs:
kwargs['alpha'] = 0.5
def _plot_probability_distribution_on_plane(
probabilities, ax, surf=None, cbar=None, labels=None, graph=None,
min_prob=None, max_prob=None, dimensions=None, **kwargs
Plots probability distribution on the plane.
x_dim, y_dim = dimensions
X = np.arange(0, x_dim, 1)
Y = np.arange(0, y_dim, 1)
Y, X = np.meshgrid(Y, X)
Z = np.reshape(probabilities, (x_dim, y_dim))
cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap')
mappable =
if min_prob is not None and max_prob is not None:
vmin = min_prob
vmax = max_prob
else: #rescale
vmin = 0
vmax = Z.max()
mappable.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
# division by 4 apparently normalize the colors
if surf is None:
surf = [0]
surf[0] = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=mappable.cmap,
vmin=vmin/4, vmax=vmax/4,
ax.set_zlim(vmin, vmax)
kwargs['cmap'] = cmap # reinserts into kwargs
if cbar is None:
cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable,
shrink=0.4, aspect=20,
pad=0.15, ax=ax)
cbar.update_normal(mappable), width=1, labelsize=16)
return [[surf[0]], cbar]
def _is_in_notebook():
ipython_shells = (
'XPythonShell', # jupyterlite-xeus-python
'Interpreter', # jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel
'ZMQInteractiveShell', # ipykernel
shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
if shell in ipython_shells:
return True
return False
return False
def plot_success_probability(time, probabilities, figsize=(12, 10), dpi=100, **kwargs):
Plot the success probability over time.
Assumes that the probabilities have already been calculated.
Time used for the quantum walk simulation.
See :meth:`QuantumWalk.simulate` for details.
Success probabilities with respect to ``time``,
such that ``probabilities[i]`` corresponds to ``i``-th
timestamp described by ``time``.
figsize : tuple, default=(12, 10)
Figure size in inches. Must be a tuple in the format (WIDTH, HEIGHT).
dpi : float, default=100
Figure resolution in dots-per-inch.
Additional arguments to customize plot.
See :obj:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for the optional keywords.
See Also
# Figure size
if len(figsize) == 2:
fig_width, fig_height = figsize
raise ValueError(
'figsize must be a tuple in the format (WIDTH, HEIGHT)'
_configure_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi)
time = QuantumWalk._time_to_tuple(time)
time[1] += time[2]
time = np.arange(*time)
if 'marker' not in kwargs:
kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Success probability', fontsize=18)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.05*max(probabilities))
plt.plot(time, probabilities, **kwargs)
def plot_function(qw_iter, x_label, y_label, x_vals, function,
figsize=(12, 10), dpi=100, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO: any situation where *y_args and **y_kwargs are iterable?
# y_vals = [y_func(qw, *y_args, **y_kwargs) for qw in qw_gen]
# plt.plot(x_arg, y_vals)
# Figure size
if len(figsize) == 2:
fig_width, fig_height = figsize
raise ValueError(
'figsize must be a tuple in the format (WIDTH, HEIGHT)'
_configure_figure(fig_width, fig_height, dpi)
if hasattr(x_vals, '__iter__'):
x_vals = iter(x_vals)
valid_function_kwargs = QuantumWalk._get_valid_kwargs(function)
function_kwargs = QuantumWalk._pop_valid_kwargs(kwargs,
del valid_function_kwargs
x = []
y = []
for qw in qw_iter:
if callable(x_vals)
else next(x_vals))
y.append(function(qw, *args, **function_kwargs))
plt.plot(x, y, marker='o')
def plot_optimal_runtime(qw_iter, x_label, x_vals, state=None,
qw_iter : iterable of :class:`QuantumWalk`
The code will be execute for each quantum walk in
the iterable.
x_vals :
The values to be plotted in the x-axis.
Iterable or callable.
The initial state of the simulation.
If ``None`` uses default argument.
There are two types allowed.
iterable :
An array of states or an iterable.
The ``i``-th entry will be used as the inital state
of the ``i``-th quantum walk.
callable :
A function that receives a :class:`QuantumWalk` as argument
and returns a state.
.. todo::
Should the function accept ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``?
if hasattr(state, '__iter__'):
state = iter(state)
def function(qw, state=None, delta_time=1):
psi0 = None
if state is not None:
psi0 = (state(qw)
if callable(state)
else next(state))
return qw.optimal_runtime(state=psi0,
plot_function(qw_iter, x_label, 'Optimal runtime', x_vals, function,
state=state, **kwargs)
def plot_max_success_probability(qw_iter, x_label, x_vals,
state=None, **kwargs):
if hasattr(state, '__iter__'):
state = iter(state)
def function(qw, state=None, delta_time=1):
psi0 = None
if state is not None:
psi0 = (state(qw)
if callable(state)
else next(state))
return qw.max_success_probability(state=psi0,
plot_function(qw_iter, x_label, 'Max success probability',
x_vals, function, state=state, **kwargs)
if __DEBUG__:
start = time()