def __adjacent(self, u, v):
x = u ^ v #bitwise xor
return x != 0 and x & (x - 1) == 0
# TODO: check if the following strategy is faster
# try:
# # python >= 3.10
# count = x.bit_count()
# except:
# count = bin(x).count('1')
# return count == 1
def __neighbor_index(self, vertex, neigh):
# TODO: how to use __debug__?
# how to unable __debug__ when uploading to pip?
# TODO: throw value error if not adjacent
if __debug__:
assert self.adjacent(vertex, neigh)
# it is supposed that vertex and neigh are adjacent
x = vertex ^ neigh
# numpy integers do not have bit_length
# TODO: check if it is faster fo convert or to calculate
# np.ceil(np.log2(x + 1)).astype(int)
x = int(x)
return x.bit_length() - 1
def __degree(self, vertex):
return self._dimension
def __number_of_vertices(self):
return 1 << self._dim
def __number_of_edges(self):
return (1 << (self._dim - 1)) * self._dim
def __degree(self, vertex):
return self._dim
def dimension(self):
The dimension of the Hypercube.
.. testsetup::
from sys import path
import hiperwalk as hpw
.. doctest::
>>> n = 10
>>> g = hpw.Hypercube(10)
>>> g.dimension() == n
return self._dim
# graph constructor
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_array
from types import MethodType
from .graph import Graph
def Hypercube(dim, multiedges=None, weights=None):
Hypercube graph constructor.
The hypercube graph consists of ``2**dim`` vertices.
The numerical labels of these vertices are
``0``, ``1``, ..., ``2**dim - 1``.
Two vertices are adjacent
if and only if the corresponding binary tuples
differ by only one bit, indicating a Hamming distance of 1.
dim : int
The dimension of the hypercube.
multiedges, weights: scipy.sparse.csr_array, default=None
See :ref:`graph_constructors`.
See :ref:`graph_constructors` for details.
See Also
A vertex :math:`v` in the hypercube is adjacent to all other vertices
that have a Hamming distance of 1. To put it differently, :math:`v`
is adjacent to :math:`v \oplus 2^0`, :math:`v \oplus 2^1`,
:math:`\ldots`, :math:`v \oplus 2^{n - 2}`, and
:math:`v \oplus 2^{n - 1}`.
Here, :math:`\oplus` represents the bitwise XOR operation,
and :math:`n` signifies the dimension of the hypercube.
The **order of neighbors** is determined by the XOR operation.
The neighbors of vertex :math:`u` are given in the following order:
:math:`u \oplus 2^0`, :math:`u \oplus 2^1, \ldots,`
:math:`u \oplus 2^{n - 1}`.
For example,
.. testsetup::
import hiperwalk as hpw
.. doctest::
>>> g = hpw.Hypercube(4)
>>> u = 10
>>> bin(u)
>>> neigh = g.neighbors(u)
>>> neigh
array([11, 8, 14, 2])
>>> [bin(v) for v in neigh]
['0b1011', '0b1000', '0b1110', '0b10']
>>> [u^v for v in neigh]
[1, 2, 4, 8]
if weights is not None and multiedges is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Both `weights` and `multiedges` arguments were set. "
+ "Cannot decide whether to create a weighted graph or "
+ "a multigraph."
# adjacency matrix
num_vert = 1 << dim
num_arcs = dim*num_vert
data = np.ones(num_arcs, dtype=np.int8)
indptr = np.arange(0, num_arcs + 1, dim)
indices = np.array([v ^ 1 << shift for v in range(num_vert)
for shift in range(dim)])
adj_matrix = csr_array((data, indices, indptr),
shape=(num_vert, num_vert))
data = None
g = Graph(adj_matrix, copy=False)
if weights is not None:
data = weights
del g
g = WeightedGraph(data, copy=False)
elif multiedges is not None:
data = multiedges
del g
g = Multigraph(data, copy=False)
# Binding particular attributes and methods
# TODO: add to docs
g._dim = int(dim)
g._num_loops = 0
g.adjacent = MethodType(__adjacent, g)
g._neighbor_index = MethodType(__neighbor_index, g) = MethodType(__degree, g)
g.number_of_vertices = MethodType(__number_of_vertices, g)
g.number_of_edges = MethodType(__number_of_edges, g) = MethodType(__degree, g)
g.dimension = MethodType(dimension, g)
return g